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1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 1

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 9.

Classical English

In the Peach Garden Feast, Brotherhood is sworn by slaughtering rebels, the brothers prove heroes.

  1. Empires wax and wane; state cleave asunder and coalesce. When the rule of Zhou weakened, seven contending kingdoms sprang up, warring one with another till they settled down as Qin and when its destiny had been fulfilled, arose Chu and han to contend for the mastery. And Han was the victor.
  2. The rise of the fortunes of Han began with the slaughter of the White Serpent. In a short time, the whole empire was theirs and their magnificent heritage was handed down in successive generations till the days of Emperor GuangWu, Whose name stands in the middle of the long line of Han. This was in the first century of the eastern era and the dynasty had then already passed its zenith. About two centuries later came to the throne Emperor Xian, doomed to see the beginning of the empire’s division into three parts, Known to history as The Three Kingdoms.


Modern English:

At the Peach Garden Feast, the brothers pledged loyalty to each other by vowing to defeat the rebels, proving themselves as true heroes.

  1. Empires rise and fall; states divide and reunite. When the Zhou dynasty weakened, seven rival kingdoms emerged, each fighting to dominate until Qin finally unified them. But once Qin's fate was sealed, the struggle continued, with Chu and Han competing for control. In the end, Han emerged victorious.
  2. The rise of the Han dynasty's fortune began with the slaying of the White Serpent. In a short time, they controlled the entire empire, and this grand legacy was passed down through generations until the reign of Emperor Guangwu, whose name marked the middle of the Han dynasty. This was during the first century of the Common Era, by which time the dynasty had already peaked. About two centuries later, Emperor Xian ascended the throne, only to witness the empire's division into three parts, remembered in history as the Three Kingdoms.

Korean Translation:

복숭아 동산에서 열린 잔치에서 형제들은 반란군을 물리치기로 맹세하며 서로에게 충성을 다짐했고, 진정한 영웅임을 증명했습니다.

  1. 제국은 흥망성쇠를 반복하며, 국가는 분열과 통합을 거듭합니다. 주나라의 세력이 약해지자 일곱 개의 경쟁 왕국이 나타나 서로 패권을 두고 싸웠고, 결국 진나라가 이들을 통일했습니다. 그러나 진나라가 몰락하자 다시 초나라와 한나라가 지배권을 두고 경쟁했고, 마침내 한나라가 승리했습니다.
  2. 한 왕조의 부흥은 백사(白蛇)를 죽인 사건에서 시작되었습니다. 얼마 지나지 않아 그들은 제국 전체를 장악했고, 이 위대한 유산은 후대에 계승되었습니다. 이 계승은 한 왕조의 중간을 표시하는 광무제의 치세에 이르렀습니다. 이는 서기 1세기경의 일로, 이때쯤 왕조는 이미 전성기를 지났습니다. 약 2세기가 지나 헌제가 즉위했으나, 그는 제국이 세 부분으로 나뉘는 모습을 보게 되었고, 이는 역사에서 삼국지로 기억됩니다.