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영한삼국지 영어공부

1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 -2

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 9.

Classical English

3.    The descent into misrule hastened in the reigns of the two emperors Huan (the eleventh emperor of the Later Han) and Ling(the twelfth emperor), who sat in the dragon seat about the middle of the second century. The former of these two paid no heed to the good men of his Court, but gave his confidence to the palace eunuchs. He lived and died, leaving the scepter to Ling, Whose Trusted advisers were General-in-Chief Dou Wu and Grand Tutor ChenFan. These two, disgusted with the abuses resulting from the meddling of the eunuchs in affairs of State, plotted their destruction. But the chief eunuch CaoJie was not to be disposed of easily. The plot leaked out and the two honest men fell, leaving the eunuchs stronger than before.

4.    It fell upon the day of the full moon of the fourth month, in the second year of the period Established Calm(CE 169), that the Emperor went in state to the Hall of Virtue. As he drew near the throne, a rushing whirlwind arose in the corner of the hall and, lo! From the roof beams floated down a monstrous blue serpent, which coiled itself up on the very seat of majesty. The Emperor sell in a swoon. Those nearest him hastily raised and bore him to his palace while the courtiers scattered and fled. The serpent disappeared.



Modern English

3. Misrule accelerated during the reigns of Emperor Huan (the eleventh emperor of the Later Han) and Emperor Ling (the twelfth), who held the throne around the mid-second century. Emperor Huan ignored the wise men at court and instead trusted the palace eunuchs. After his death, he left the throne to Ling, whose key advisers were General Dou Wu and Grand Tutor Chen Fan. Both men, frustrated by the corruption caused by the eunuchs' interference, plotted to remove them. But the head eunuch, Cao Jie, was not easily defeated. The plan was uncovered, and the two honest men lost their lives, leaving the eunuchs even more powerful than before.

4. On the day of the full moon in the fourth month of the second year of the Established Calm period (169 CE), the Emperor went to the Hall of Virtue in a grand procession. As he approached the throne, a sudden whirlwind erupted from the corner of the hall. Then, from the ceiling beams, a massive blue serpent descended and coiled itself on the throne. The Emperor fainted. His attendants quickly carried him to his palace, while the terrified courtiers fled. The serpent then vanished.

Korean Translation:

3. 혼란은 후한의 열한 번째 황제인 환제와 열두 번째 황제인 영제의 치세 동안 가속화되었습니다. 두 황제는 2세기 중반에 즉위했는데, 환제는 궁중의 현자들에게 무관심했고 대신 환관들을 신뢰했습니다. 환제가 죽은 후 영제가 즉위했으며, 그의 주요 조언자는 대장군 두무와 태부 진번이었습니다. 두 사람은 환관들의 국정 개입으로 인한 부패에 염증을 느껴 이들을 제거하려 했지만, 수장인 조절은 쉽게 무너질 상대가 아니었습니다. 결국 계획이 누설되었고, 두 충신은 목숨을 잃었으며 환관들의 권력은 오히려 더 강해졌습니다.

4. 건녕(建寧) 2년(169년) 음력 4월 보름날, 황제는 성대한 행렬을 이끌고 덕청전으로 향했습니다. 그가 왕좌에 가까워지자 갑자기 궁전 한쪽 구석에서 강한 회오리바람이 일더니, 천장의 들보에서 거대한 푸른 뱀이 내려와 왕좌에 몸을 말았습니다. 황제는 기절했습니다. 곁에 있던 신하들은 급히 그를 궁전으로 옮겼고, 궁중의 신하들은 공포에 휩싸여 도망쳤습니다. 이후 그 뱀은 사라졌습니다.
