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1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 5

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 10.

Classical English

8. At this time in JuLu Commandery was a certain Zhang family, of whom three brothers bore the name of ZhangJue, ZangBao, and ZhangLiang respectively. The eldest was an unclassed graduate, who devoted himself to gathering medicinal herbs. One day, while culling simples in the woods, he met a venerable old gentleman with very bright eyes and fresh complexion, who walked leaning on a staff. The old man bectoned ZhangJue into a cave and there gave him three volumnes of the "book of heaven." "This book," said he, "is The Crucial Keys to Supreme Peace. With the aid of these volumes, you can convert the world and rescue mankind. But you must be single-minded, or, rest assured, you will greatly suffer." With a humble obeisance, ZhanJue took the book and asked the name of his benefactor. "I am Old Hermit of the Southern Land of Glory," was the reply, as the old gentleman disappeared in thin air.


Modern English

8. At this time, in Ju Lu Commandery, there was a family named Zhang with three brothers: Zhang Jue, Zhang Bao, and Zhang Liang. The eldest brother, Zhang Jue, had some education but had not achieved official rank, dedicating himself to collecting medicinal herbs. One day, while gathering herbs in the forest, he encountered an old man with strikingly bright eyes and a healthy complexion, who walked with a staff. The old man led Zhang Jue into a cave and gave him three volumes of the "Book of Heaven." "This book," he explained, "contains the Crucial Keys to Supreme Peace. With its wisdom, you can change the world and save humanity. But remember, you must stay devoted; if you stray, you will face great hardship." With a deep bow, Zhang Jue accepted the book and asked for the old man's name. "I am the Old Hermit of the Southern Land of Glory," he replied before vanishing into thin air.


Korean Translation

이때 거록군에 장씨라는 성을 가진 가족이 있었고, 그중 세 형제는 각각 장각, 장보, 장량이라 불렸습니다. 장남인 장각은 어느 정도 학문을 닦았으나 관직에 오르지 않고 약초를 채집하는 데 전념했습니다. 어느 날, 숲에서 약초를 모으던 중 장각은 밝은 눈과 건강한 안색을 지닌 노인을 만났습니다. 노인은 장각을 동굴로 이끌어 그에게 "천서"라는 책의 세 권을 건네주었습니다. 노인은 "이 책은 태평요술이다. 이 책의 가르침을 통해 세상을 바꾸고 인류를 구할 수 있다. 그러나 반드시 한결같은 마음으로 임해야 하며, 그렇지 않으면 큰 고통을 겪게 될 것이다"라고 설명했습니다. 장각은 공손히 책을 받아 들고 그 은인의 이름을 물었습니다. 그러자 노인은 "나는 남화노선이다"라고 대답한 후 홀연히 사라졌습니다.
