Classical English
5. But there followed a terrific tempest, thunder, hail and torrents of rain, lasting till midnight and wrecking havoc on all sides. Two years later, the earth quaked in LuoYang, while along the coast a huge tidal wave rushed in, which in its recoil swept away all the dwellers by the sea. Another evil omen was recorded ten years later, when the reign-title was changed to Radiant Peace (CE 178): some hens suddenly turned into roosters, a miracle which could only refer to the effeminate eunuchs meddling in affairs of State. At the new moon of the sixth month, a long wreath of black vapor wound its way into the audience chamber, while in the following month a rainbow was seen in the Jade Chamber. Away from the capital, a mountain fell in, leaving a mighty rift in its flank.
6. Such were some of various omens. The Emperor, greatly moved by these signs of the displeasure of Heaven, issued an edict asking his ministers for an explanation of the calamities and marvels. Consultant CaiYong, styled BoJie, replied bluntly that falling rainbows and changes of fowls’ sexes were brought about by feminine interference in State affairs.
Modern English:
5. A fierce storm followed, bringing thunder, hail, and torrents of rain that lasted until midnight, causing destruction everywhere. Two years later, an earthquake struck Luoyang, and along the coast, a massive tidal wave surged in, sweeping away coastal residents as it receded. Another ominous sign appeared ten years later, when the reign title was changed to Radiant Peace (178 CE): some hens mysteriously turned into roosters, symbolizing the influence of the effeminate eunuchs in government affairs. In the sixth month’s new moon, a long trail of black vapor drifted into the audience chamber, and in the following month, a rainbow appeared in the Jade Chamber. Far from the capital, a mountain collapsed, leaving a vast split in its side.
6. These were just a few of the many ominous signs. Deeply disturbed by what he saw as Heaven’s displeasure, the Emperor issued a decree asking his ministers for explanations of these strange events. Advisor Cai Yong, known as Bojie, replied bluntly, saying that the rainbows and gender changes in birds were caused by feminine interference in state affairs.
Korean Translation:
5. 이어진 폭풍은 천둥과 우박, 그리고 자정까지 쏟아진 폭우를 동반하여 사방에 큰 피해를 입혔습니다. 2년 후에는 낙양에 지진이 발생했고, 해안가에서는 거대한 해일이 밀려와 물러가면서 해안 주민들을 휩쓸어 갔습니다. 그로부터 10년 뒤, 연호가 '광화'(光和)로 바뀐 178년에 또 다른 불길한 징조가 나타났습니다. 암탉들이 갑자기 수탉으로 변하는 기이한 일이 발생했는데, 이는 여성적인 환관들이 국정에 간섭하는 것을 상징했습니다. 음력 6월 초하루에는 긴 검은 연기 기둥이 궁중에 휘감겨 들어왔고, 이듬달 옥전에서 무지개가 목격되었습니다. 수도에서 멀리 떨어진 곳에서는 산이 무너져 큰 균열이 생겼습니다.
6. 이처럼 불길한 징조가 계속되자 황제는 하늘의 분노를 느끼고, 이러한 재난과 기이한 현상에 대해 설명해 달라는 조서를 대신들에게 내렸습니다. 자문관 채옹(채옹은 자가 백계)이 답하기를, 무지개와 가금류의 성 변화는 국정에 대한 여성적 간섭 때문에 발생한 것이라고 직설적으로 말했습니다.
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