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영한삼국지 영어공부

1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 8

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 12.

Classical English

11. With the growth of the number of his supporters grew also the ambition of the “Wise and Good.” He dreamed of empire. One of his partisans, MaYuanYi, was sent bearing gifts to gain the support of the eunuchs whereby to have allies within the palace. To his brothers ZhangJue said, “For schemes like ours always the most difficult part is to gain the popular favor. But that is already ours. Such an opportunity must not pass.” And they began to prepare. Many yellow flags were made and a day was chosen to strike the first blow.

12. Then they wrote letters to the chief eunuch, FengXu, and sent them by one of his followers, TangZhou, Who, alas! betrayed their trust and exposed the plot. The Emperor summoned his trusty General HeJin and bade him look to it. MaYuanYi was at once taken and put to death. FengXu and many others were cast into prison.


Modern English:

11. With the rise in his supporters, the ambition of the "Wise and Good" also grew. He dreamed of building an empire. Ma Yuan Yi, one of his followers, was sent with gifts to gain the support of the eunuchs and have allies within the palace. Zhang Jue told his brothers, "In plans like ours, the hardest part is always gaining the people's favor. But we already have that. We must not miss this chance." They began to prepare by making many yellow flags and choosing a day for the first strike.

12. They wrote letters to the chief eunuch, Feng Xu, and sent them through one of his followers, Tang Zhou. Unfortunately, Tang Zhou betrayed them and exposed their plot. The Emperor summoned his loyal General, He Jin, and ordered him to take action. Ma Yuan Yi was immediately captured and executed. Feng Xu and many others were thrown into prison.


Korean Translation:

11. 그의 지지자가 늘어남에 따라 "현명하고 선한" 사람의 야망도 커졌습니다. 그는 제국을 건설하겠다는 꿈을 꾸었습니다. 그의 추종자 중 한 명인 마위안이(馬元儀)는 환관들의 지지를 얻어 궁중에서 동맹을 형성하기 위해 선물을 가지고 파견되었습니다. 장각(張角)은 형제들에게 말했습니다, "우리 같은 계획에서 가장 어려운 부분은 항상 민심을 얻는 것입니다. 하지만 우리는 이미 그것을 가지고 있습니다. 이 기회를 놓쳐서는 안 됩니다." 그들은 많은 노란 깃발을 만들고 첫 번째 타격을 위한 날짜를 선택하면서 준비를 시작했습니다.

12. 그들은 총환관 풍서(封肅)에게 편지를 쓰고, 그의 추종자 중 한 명인 탕저우(唐周)를 통해 편지를 보냈습니다. 불행히도 탕저우는 그들을 배신하고 음모를 폭로했습니다. 황제는 충성스러운 장군 하진(何進)을 소환하여 조치를 취하라고 명령했습니다. 마위안이는 즉시 체포되어 처형되었고, 풍서와 많은 다른 사람들은 감옥에 갇혔습니다.
