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1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 9

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 12.

Classical English

13. The plot having thus become known, the Zhangs were forced at once to take the field. They assumed grandiose titles: Celestial Duke for ZhangJue, Terrestrial Duke for ZhangBa, Duke of Humanity for ZhangLiang, and in these names they put forth this manifesto: The good fortung of the Hans is exhausted and the Wise man has appeared. Discern the will of Heaven, O you people, and walk in the way of righteousness, whereby alone you may attain to peace.

14. Support was not lacking. On every side people bound their heads with a yellow turban and joined the army of the rebel ZhangJue, and soon his strength grew exceedingly and the government troops melted away at a whisper of his coming.

15. HeJin, General-in-Chief, memorialized for general preparations against the Yellow Turbans and an edict called upon everyone to fight against them. In the meantime Commanders of the Househol LuZhi, HuangFuSong and ZhuJun marched against them in three directions with veteran soldiers. It is now time to turn to ZhangJue. He led his army into YouZhou, the northern region of the thirteen divisions of the country.


Modern English:

13. As the plot became known, the Zhang brothers were forced to act immediately. They took on grand titles: Zhang Jue as Celestial Duke, Zhang Ba as Terrestrial Duke, and Zhang Liang as Duke of Humanity. They issued this proclamation: "The Han Dynasty's good fortune has ended, and a Wise man has emerged. Recognize Heaven's will, people, and follow the path of righteousness to achieve peace."

14. Support was widespread. People everywhere tied yellow turbans on their heads and joined Zhang Jue's rebel army. His power grew rapidly, and government troops scattered at the mere mention of his approach.

15. He Jin, the General-in-Chief, requested preparations to fight the Yellow Turbans, and an edict was issued calling everyone to arms. Meanwhile, Commanders Lu Zhi, Huangfu Song, and Zhu Jun marched against the rebels from three directions with veteran soldiers. Zhang Jue led his army into Youzhou, the northern region of the country's thirteen divisions.




Korean Translation:

13. 음모가 알려지자, 장 형제들은 즉시 행동에 나서야 했습니다. 그들은 장각은 천공공(天公公), 장보는 지공공(地公公), 장량은 인공공(人公公)이라는 거창한 칭호를 가졌습니다. 그들은 다음과 같은 선언문을 발표했습니다: "한나라의 행운은 다했고, 지혜로운 사람이 나타났습니다. 백성들이여, 하늘의 뜻을 깨닫고, 의로운 길을 걸어야만 평화를 얻을 수 있습니다."

14. 지지자들이 부족하지 않았습니다. 모든 사람들이 머리에 노란 두건을 묶고 장각의 반군에 합류했습니다. 그의 세력은 급속히 성장했고, 그의 소문만 들어도 정부군은 흩어졌습니다.

15. 하진(何進) 대장은 황건적에 대한 전반적인 준비를 요청했고, 모두에게 싸우라고 명령하는 칙령이 내려졌습니다. 그 사이, 집안의 장수들인 노식(盧植), 황보숭(黃甫嵩), 주준(朱儁)은 베테랑 병사들과 함께 세 방향으로 반군을 진압하러 나아갔습니다. 장각은 자신의 군대를 이끌고 북쪽 지역의 우주(幽州)로 진군했습니다.

