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1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 11

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 12.

Classical English

19. He was a descendant of LiuSheng, King Jing of ZhongShan, whose father was Emperor Jing (reigned BCE 157-141), the fourth emperor of the Han Dynasty. His surnamed was Liu, and his given name was Bei; his style name was XuanDe. Many generations before, during the reign of Emperor Wu, LiuZhen, son of LiuSheng, was made Marquis of LuChen Village, but had lost his rank for remissness in ceremonial offerings. However, that branch of the family had remained on in the place, gradually becoming poorer and poorer as the years rolled on. His grandfather was LiuXong; his father, LiuHong, who had been a scholar and an official but died young. This widow and the orphan were left alone and Liebei as a lad won a reputation for filial piety.

Modern English:

19. He was a descendant of Liu Sheng, the King Jing of Zhongshan, whose father was Emperor Jing (157-141 BCE), the fourth emperor of the Han Dynasty. His family name was Liu, and his given name was Bei; his style name was Xuande. Many generations earlier, during Emperor Wu’s reign, Liu Zhen, the son of Liu Sheng, was granted the title Marquis of Luchen Village but lost his rank due to neglecting ceremonial duties. Over the years, this branch of the family remained in the area, gradually falling into poverty. His grandfather was Liu Xiong, and his father, Liu Hong, who was a scholar and government official, but he died young. Left with his widowed mother, Liu Bei became known for his devotion to filial duty from an early age.


Korean Translation:

19. 그는 중산정왕 유승의 후손으로, 유승의 아버지는 한나라의 네 번째 황제인 경제(기원전 157-141 재위)였습니다. 성은 유(劉), 이름은 비(備), 자는 현덕(玄德)입니다. 여러 세대 전, 무제 치세에 유승의 아들 유진은 노성촌의 후작으로 봉해졌지만, 제례를 소홀히 해 작위를 잃었습니다. 그 후 이 가문은 그 지역에 계속 머물렀고, 시간이 지나면서 점차 빈곤에 빠졌습니다. 그의 할아버지는 유웅이었고, 아버지 유홍은 학자이자 관리였지만 일찍 세상을 떠났습니다. 홀로 남은 어머니와 함께 자라면서, 유비는 어린 시절부터 효행으로 명성을 얻었습니다.
