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영한삼국지 영어공부

1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 13

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 12.

Classical English

22. “ZhangFei is my name; I am usually called YiDe,” replied the stranger. “I live near here where I have a farm; and I am a wine-seller and a butcher as well. And I like to become acquainted with worthy men. Your sighs as you read the notice drew me toward you.”

LiuBei relied, “I am of the imperial family, Liu by name, and my distinguishing name is Bei, styled XuanDe. And I wish I could destroy these rebels and restore peace to the land, but alas! I am helpless.”

“I am not without means,” said ZhangFei. “Suppose you and I raised some men and tried what we could do.”

23. This was happy news for LiuBei and the two betook themselves to the village inn to talk over the project. As they were drinking, a huge, tall fellow appeared pushing a hand-cart along the road. At the threshold he halted and entered the inn to rest awhile and he called for wine. “And be quick,” added he, “for I am in haste to get into the town and offer myself for the army.”

24. LiuBei looked over the newcomer item by item and noted his huge framed (nine ja tall : 207cm), his long beard, his dark brown face and deep red lips. He had eyes like a phoenix and fine bushy eyebrows like silkworms. His whole appearance was dignified and awe-inspiring. Presently LiuBei crossed over, sat down beside him and asked his name.

Modern English:

22. "My name is Zhang Fei, but people usually call me Yide," the stranger replied. "I live nearby on my farm, and I also sell wine and butcher meat. I enjoy meeting honorable men, and your sighs while reading the notice caught my attention."

Liu Bei replied, "I am from the imperial family. My family name is Liu, and my given name is Bei, styled Xuande. I wish I could destroy these rebels and bring peace back to the land, but unfortunately, I lack the power to do so."

"I have resources," said Zhang Fei. "What if you and I gathered some men and did our best to make a difference?"

23. Liu Bei was thrilled to hear this, and the two went to a village inn to discuss their plans. As they drank, a tall and imposing man came along the road, pushing a handcart. He paused at the inn's entrance, entered to take a break, and called for wine. "Be quick about it," he added, "I'm in a hurry to get to town and enlist in the army."

24. Liu Bei looked the newcomer over, noticing his massive build (nine feet tall: 207 cm), long beard, dark brown face, and deep red lips. His eyes were shaped like a phoenix’s, and his thick eyebrows resembled silkworms. His entire presence was dignified and commanding. Liu Bei moved over, sat down beside him, and asked for his name.



Korean Translation:

22. 낯선 이는 "제 이름은 장비이지만, 사람들은 주로 저를 익덕이라고 부릅니다."라고 답했습니다. "근처에 농장이 있고, 술과 고기를 판매하는 일을 하고 있습니다. 훌륭한 사람들과 교류하는 것을 좋아하는데, 공고문을 보며 한숨을 쉬는 당신이 눈에 띄었습니다."

유비가 대답했습니다. "저는 황실의 후손이며, 성은 유, 이름은 비입니다. 자는 현덕이라 합니다. 반란군을 물리치고 나라에 평화를 되찾고 싶지만, 안타깝게도 힘이 부족합니다."

장비가 말했습니다. "저는 어느 정도의 자원이 있습니다. 당신과 제가 병력을 모아 우리가 할 수 있는 최선을 다해보는 건 어떻겠습니까?

23. 유비는 이 말을 듣고 기뻐하며, 두 사람은 여관으로 가서 계획을 논의했습니다. 술을 마시던 중, 거대한 체격의 남자가 손수레를 밀며 길을 따라 다가왔습니다. 그는 여관 입구에 멈춰 잠시 쉬기 위해 들어와 술을 주문했습니다. "서둘러 주세요," 그는 덧붙였습니다. "도시에 가서 군에 자원하려고 급히 가는 길입니다.

24. 유비는 신입을 자세히 살펴보았는데, 그의 거대한 체격(9척, 207cm), 긴 수염, 짙은 갈색 얼굴과 붉은 입술이 눈에 띄었습니다. 그의 눈은 봉황처럼 생겼고, 두꺼운 눈썹은 누에와 같았습니다. 그의 모습은 위엄 있고 두려움을 불러일으켰습니다. 유비는 그에게 다가가 옆에 앉아 이름을 물었습니다.
