Classical English
20. At this time, the family had sunk deep in poverty and the son gained his living by the sale of straw sandals and weaving grass mats. The family home was in a village near the county city. Near the house stood a huge mulberry tree, and seen from afar, its curved profile resembled the tilt of a wagon. Noting the luxuriance of its foliage, a soothsayer had predicted that one day a man of distinction would come forth from the family. As a child, LuiBei played with the other village boys beneath this tree, and he would climb up into it, saying he was emperor and was mounting his chariot. The lad’s uncle, LiuYuanQi, recognized that he was no ordinary boy and saw to it that the family didn’t come to actual want.
21. When LiuBei was fifteen, his mother sent him travelling for his education. For a time he served ZhengXuan and LuZhi as masters and he became great friends with GonSunZan. LiuBei was twenty eight when the outbreak of the rebellion called for soldiers. The sight of the notice saddened him and he sighed as he read it. Suddenly a rasping voice behind him cried, “Noble Sir, why sigh if you do nothing to help your country?” Turning quickly, he saw standing there a man about eight ja tall(184cm), with a bullet head like a leopard’s large eyes, a swallow pointed chin and a bristling moustache. He spoke in a loud bass voice and looked as irresistible as a runaway horse. At once, LiuBei saw he was no ordinary man and asked who he was.
Modern English:
20. By this time, Liu Bei’s family had fallen into deep poverty, and he earned a living by selling straw sandals and weaving grass mats. They lived in a village near the county town. Close to their house stood a massive mulberry tree, and from a distance, its shape resembled a tilted wagon. A soothsayer, noticing its dense foliage, predicted that someone of great importance would one day emerge from this family. As a child, Liu Bei played beneath this tree with other village boys, often climbing up and pretending he was an emperor riding in his chariot. His uncle, Liu Yuanqi, saw promise in him and ensured the family was not left destitute.
21.When Liu Bei turned fifteen, his mother sent him to travel for his education. For a time, he studied under Zheng Xuan and Lu Zhi, and became close friends with Gongsun Zan. Liu Bei was twenty-eight when a call for soldiers was issued in response to the rebellion. Reading the notice filled him with sadness, and he sighed deeply. Suddenly, a gruff voice behind him called out, “Honorable sir, why sigh if you’re not going to act for your country?” Turning quickly, he saw a man around eight feet tall (184 cm), with a head shaped like a leopard’s, large eyes, a pointed chin like a swallow’s, and a fierce mustache. He spoke in a booming voice and had an unstoppable energy, like a galloping horse. Instantly, Liu Bei realized this was no ordinary man and asked for his name.
Korean Translation:
20. 이 무렵 유비의 가문은 깊은 빈곤에 빠졌고, 그는 짚신을 팔고 풀로 된 돗자리를 엮어 생계를 이어갔습니다. 그들의 집은 현성 근처의 한 마을에 있었는데, 집 근처에 거대한 뽕나무가 서 있었고 멀리서 보면 그 모양이 기울어진 수레처럼 보였습니다. 어느 날 한 점쟁이가 나무의 무성한 잎을 보고, 훗날 이 가문에서 위대한 인물이 나올 것이라고 예언했습니다. 어린 시절 유비는 이 나무 아래에서 마을 소년들과 놀면서 나무에 올라가 황제가 되어 전차를 타는 상상을 하곤 했습니다. 그의 숙부 유원기는 유비가 평범하지 않은 아이라는 것을 알아보고, 가족이 궁핍해지지 않도록 돌봤습니다.
21. 유비가 열다섯 살이 되었을 때, 그의 어머니는 그를 학문을 위해 여행을 보내주었습니다. 잠시 그는 정현과 노식을 스승으로 모셨으며, 공손찬과 깊은 우정을 쌓았습니다. 유비가 스물여덟이 되던 해에 반란 진압을 위한 병사 모집 공고가 게시되었습니다. 이를 보고 유비는 깊은 슬픔에 잠겨 한숨을 내쉬었습니다. 갑자기 거친 목소리가 뒤에서 들려왔습니다. “귀하 같은 분이 나라를 돕지 않으면서 왜 한숨을 쉬십니까?” 급히 돌아보니 약 8척(184cm) 키에 표범 같은 머리와 큰 눈, 제비처럼 뾰족한 턱, 그리고 거친 콧수염을 가진 남자가 서 있었습니다. 그는 큰 목소리로 말했고, 마치 질주하는 말처럼 막을 수 없는 기운을 발산했습니다. 유비는 그가 평범한 인물이 아님을 깨닫고 이름을 물었습니다.
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