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영한삼국지 영어공부

1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 14

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 17.

Classical English

25. "I am GuanYu," said he, "My style used to be ChangSheng, but now I am usually called YunChang. I am a native of JieLiang County in HeDong Commandery, but I have been a fugitive for some five years, because slew a ruffian who, since he was powerful, was a bully. I have come to join the army here."

26. Then LiuBei told him his own intentions and all three went away to ZhangFei's farm where they could talk over the grand project.

27. ZhangFei said, "The peach trees in the orchard behind the house are just in full flower. Tomorrow we will institute a sacrifice there and solemnly declare our intention before Heaven and Earth. And we three will swear brotherhood and unity of aims and sentiments; thus will we enter upon our great task."

28. All three being of one mind, the next day they prepared the sacrifices, a black ox, a white horse and wine for libation. Beneath the smoke of the incense burning on the altar they bowed their heads and recited this oath: “We three, LiuBei, GuanYu and ZhangFei, though of different families, swear brotherhood, and promise mutual help to one end. We will rescue each other in difficulty; we will aid each other in danger. We swear to serve the State and save the people. We don't ask the same day of birth but we seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruling, and Earth, the all-producing, read our hearts, and if we turn aside fiom righteousness or forget kindliness, may Heaven and man smite us!”

Modern English:

is name

25. "I am Guan Yu," he said. "I used to go by the style name Changsheng, but now people call me Yunchang. I’m from Jie Liang County in Hedong Commandery, but I've been a fugitive for about five years. I killed a thug who was abusing his power and bullying others. I've come here to join the army."

26. Liu Bei shared his own goals, and the three of them went to Zhang Fei’s farm to discuss their grand plan.

27. Zhang Fei said, “The peach trees in the orchard behind my house are in full bloom. Tomorrow, we’ll perform a sacrifice there and declare our intentions to Heaven and Earth. The three of us will swear brotherhood, uniting our goals and beliefs, and begin our great mission together.”

28. With everyone in agreement, the next day they prepared their offerings—a black ox, a white horse, and wine for libation. Under the smoke of burning incense at the altar, they bowed their heads and recited this oath: “We three, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei, though not of the same family, swear brotherhood and promise mutual support toward a shared goal. We will help each other in hardship, protect each other in danger, and dedicate ourselves to serving the state and saving the people. We don’t ask to be born on the same day, but we seek to die together. May Heaven, the all-ruler, and Earth, the all-creator, know our hearts. If we stray from righteousness or forget kindness, may Heaven and humanity punish us!”


Korean Translation:

25. "저는 관우입니다," 그가 말했습니다. "원래는 자가 장생이었으나, 지금은 흔히 운장이라 불립니다. 저는 하동군 해량현 출신이지만, 약 5년 동안 도망자로 지냈습니다. 권력을 남용하며 사람들을 괴롭히는 폭한을 죽였기 때문입니다. 저는 여기서 군에 자원하려고 왔습니다."

26. 유비는 자신의 목표를 공유했고, 세 사람은 대의를 논의하기 위해 장비의 농장으로 갔습니다.

27. 장비가 말했습니다. "집 뒤 과수원의 복숭아 나무가 만개했습니다. 내일 그곳에서 제사를 지내고 하늘과 땅 앞에서 우리의 뜻을 엄숙히 선언합시다. 우리 셋이 형제가 되어 뜻과 감정을 하나로 합쳐 위대한 사명을 시작합시다."

28. 세 사람은 뜻을 같이하여, 다음 날 흑우, 백마, 그리고 술을 제물로 준비했습니다. 제단에서 향이 피어오르는 연기 아래 세 사람은 머리를 숙이고 맹세의 말을 외쳤습니다. "우리 셋, 유비, 관우, 장비는 비록 다른 가문 출신이지만 형제로서 한 뜻을 위해 서로 돕기로 맹세합니다. 어려움에 처하면 구하고, 위험에 빠지면 보호하며, 나라를 위해 봉사하고 백성을 구하겠습니다. 같은 날 태어나는 것을 바라지 않지만, 함께 죽기를 원합니다. 천지를 다스리는 하늘과 만물을 창조하는 땅이 우리의 진심을 알아주시기를 바랍니다. 만일 우리가 의로움을 저버리거나 인자함을 잊는다면, 하늘과 인간이 우리를 벌할 것입니다!"
