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영한삼국지 영어공부

1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 16

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 24.

Classical English


32. After the merchants had taken their leave, armorers were summoned to forge weapons. For LiuBei they made a pair of swords. GuanYu fashioned a long-handled, curved blade called "Green Dragon Crescent Blade" or "Cold Beauty*," which weighed a full eighty-two catties (49 kg), and ZhangFei made himself an eighteen-ja (414 cm) spear called Long Snake Spear. Each too had a helmet and full armor.

33. When these were ready, the troops, now five hundred strong, marched to ZhouJing, who presented them to LiuYan. When the ceremony of introduction was over, LiuBei declared his ancestry and Liu Yan at once accorded him the favor due to a relation.

34. Before many days it was announced that the rebellion had actually broken out and the leader, ChengYuanZhi, had invaded the commandery with fifty thousand troops. LiuYan bade ZhouJing and the three brothers go out to oppose them with the five hundred men. LiuBei joyfully undertook to lead the van and marched to the foot of the DaXing Hills where they saw the rebels. The rebels wore their hair flying about their shoulders and their foreheads were bound with yellow turbans.


Modern English:

32. After the merchants left, blacksmiths were summoned to forge weapons. For Liu Bei, they crafted a pair of swords. Guan Yu made himself a long-handled, curved blade called the "Green Dragon Crescent Blade" or "Cold Beauty," weighing a full eighty-two catties (49 kg). Zhang Fei fashioned an eighteen-ja (414 cm) spear named the "Long Snake Spear." Each of them also had a helmet and full armor.

33. When everything was ready, the troops, now five hundred strong, marched to see Zhou Jing, who introduced them to Liu Yan. After the formal introductions, Liu Bei declared his lineage, and Liu Yan immediately showed him the respect due to a relative.

34. Not long after, word came that the rebellion had officially begun, and the leader, Cheng Yuanzhi, had invaded the commandery with fifty thousand troops. Liu Yan ordered Zhou Jing and the three brothers to confront the rebels with their five hundred men. Liu Bei eagerly took the lead and marched to the foot of the Daxing Hills, where they spotted the rebels. The rebels wore their hair loose over their shoulders and had yellow turbans tied around their foreheads.


Korean Translation:

32. 상인들이 떠난 후, 대장장이들이 불려와 무기를 단련했습니다. 유비를 위해서는 한 쌍의 검이 제작되었습니다. 관우는 무게가 82근(49kg)에 달하는 긴 자루의 곡형 도검인 ‘청룡언월도’ 또는 ‘한수(寒綏)’를 제작했습니다. 장비는 길이 18척(414cm)의 ‘장사모’를 만들었습니다. 세 사람 모두 투구와 완전한 갑옷을 갖추었습니다.

33. 준비가 끝나자, 500명 병력은 주정을 만나기 위해 행진했고, 주정은 이들을 유언에게 소개했습니다. 정식 소개가 끝난 후 유비는 자신의 가계를 밝혔고, 유언은 즉시 친족에게 예우를 다했습니다.

34. 얼마 지나지 않아 반란이 실제로 시작되었고, 반란군의 지도자인 정원지가 5만 병력을 이끌고 군을 침략했다는 소식이 전해졌습니다. 유언은 주정과 세 형제에게 500명의 병력을 이끌고 반란군을 막으라 명했습니다. 유비는 선봉을 자청하며 대흥산 기슭까지 행군했고, 그곳에서 반란군을 발견했습니다. 반란군은 머리를 어깨에 흩날리고 이마에 황건을 두르고 있었습니다.
