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영한삼국지 영어공부

1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 10

by 저스트인증 2024. 11. 12.

Classical English

16. The Inspector of YouZhou was LiuYan from JingLing Country in JiangXia Commandery and a scion of the imperial house through King Gong of Lu. Learing of the approach of the rebels, the inspector called in Colonel ZhouJing to consult over the position. ZhouJing said, “They are many and we are few; you must enlist more men to oppose them.”

17. The inspector saw this was so and he put out notices calling for volunteers to serve against the rebels. One of these notices was posted up in Zhou County, where lived one of whom much will be heard later.

18. This man was no mere bookish scholar nor found he any pleasure in study. But he was liberal and amiable, albeit a man of few words, hiding all feeling under a calm exterior. He had always cherished a yearning for high emprise and had cultivated the friendship of men of mark. He was seven and a half Ja tall (172.5 cm). His ears were long, the lobes touching his shoulders, and his hands hung down below his knees. His eyes were very prominent, so that he could see his ears with his own eyes. His complexion was clear as jade and he had rich red lips.


Modern English:

16. The Inspector of Youzhou was Liu Yan, a nobleman from Jingling in Jiangxia Commandery and a descendant of the imperial family through King Gong of Lu. When he heard about the rebels approaching, Liu Yan summoned Colonel Zhou Jing for advice. Zhou Jing suggested, “They have many soldiers, and we have few. You should recruit more men to counter them.”

17. Liu Yan agreed and issued notices calling for volunteers to fight the rebels. One of these notices was posted in Zhou County, where a notable man lived—a man whose story would become famous.

18. This man was not just a bookish scholar, nor did he enjoy studying. Instead, he was generous and friendly, though he spoke little and kept his emotions hidden behind a calm demeanor. He had long aspired to great deeds and often sought the company of notable men. He stood about seven and a half feet tall (172.5 cm), with long earlobes that touched his shoulders and arms that reached below his knees. His eyes were so prominent that he could see his own ears, his complexion was as clear as jade, and his lips were richly red.


Korean Translation:

16. 유주 자사는 강하군 경릉 출신의 황실 후손인 유언이었습니다. 반란군이 다가오고 있다는 소식을 들은 유언은 참군 주정을 불러 상황에 대해 논의했습니다. 주정은 “그들은 병력이 많고 우리는 적습니다. 더 많은 사람을 모집하여 맞서야 합니다.”라고 제안했습니다.

17. 유언은 그 제안을 받아들이고, 반란군을 저지할 자원병을 모집하는 포고문을 발표했습니다. 그 중 한 포고문이 주현에 붙었는데, 그곳에 나중에 유명해질 한 인물이 살고 있었습니다.

18. 이 인물은 단순한 학자가 아니었고, 공부에도 큰 흥미를 두지 않았습니다. 그러나 그는 관대하고 우호적인 성격이었으며, 말이 적고 감정을 표정에 드러내지 않는 차분한 사람으로 알려져 있었습니다. 그는 항상 큰 업적을 이루고자 하는 열망을 품고 있었고, 저명한 인사들과 교류를 쌓아왔습니다. 그의 키는 약 7척 반(172.5cm)에 달했고, 귀는 길어서 어깨까지 닿았으며, 팔은 무릎 아래까지 내려왔습니다. 눈은 매우 튀어나와 자신의 귀를 볼 수 있을 정도였고, 피부는 옥처럼 맑았으며 입술은 진한 붉은색이었습니다.
