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1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 -3 Classical English5.    But there followed a terrific tempest, thunder, hail and torrents of rain, lasting till midnight and wrecking havoc on all sides. Two years later, the earth quaked in LuoYang, while along the coast a huge tidal wave rushed in, which in its recoil swept away all the dwellers by the sea. Another evil omen was recorded ten years later, when the reign-title was changed to Radi.. 2024. 11. 9.
1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 -2 Classical English3.    The descent into misrule hastened in the reigns of the two emperors Huan (the eleventh emperor of the Later Han) and Ling(the twelfth emperor), who sat in the dragon seat about the middle of the second century. The former of these two paid no heed to the good men of his Court, but gave his confidence to the palace eunuchs. He lived and died, leaving the scepter to Ling, Wh.. 2024. 11. 9.
1권 1장 도원결의 - 영웅이 된 형제 - 1 Classical EnglishIn the Peach Garden Feast, Brotherhood is sworn by slaughtering rebels, the brothers prove heroes.Empires wax and wane; state cleave asunder and coalesce. When the rule of Zhou weakened, seven contending kingdoms sprang up, warring one with another till they settled down as Qin and when its destiny had been fulfilled, arose Chu and han to contend for the mastery. And Han was the.. 2024. 11. 9.
2024년 11월 08일 저스트인증 상업용 부동산 업계 기사 안녕하세요. 상업용 부동산업계 자기개발 모임 저스트인증입니다.2022년 7월부터 운영하고 있으며,현재 익명방(아래 url 참조), 실명방(재직자 명함인증), 운동방(23년 10월 시작_기수 제도)3원화하여 네트워킹하는 모임방입니다. 저스트인증을 꾸려가며, 부동산 업계의 '성실한' 사람들간의 네트워킹 만들 예정입니다.자기개발(독서, 운동, 공부)을 꾸준히 인증하는 분들을 모아서 '이직' 에 도움이 되는 플랫폼을 구축할 것입니다. 취준생분들도 환영합니다!익명방 URL (닉네임 양식 : 닉네임 / 생년 / 자기개발 ex 저스트인증 / 95 / 운동) https://open.kakao.com/o/gvluH8qe 부동산금융 업계 저스트인증방#자기개발 #모임 #자산운용사 #신탁사 #운용사 #감평사 #취준생 #부동산.. 2024. 11. 8.